What is the Best Color for Braces?

The best color for the bands on your braces depends on the color that makes you happiest. The good news is that you don’t have to stick with the same color throughout your treatment. You can request a new color when you get your braces tightened. There are plenty of band colors to choose from:
Light green
Dark green
Light pink
Dark pink
Pearl white
Light blue
Dark blue
Royal blue
Light purple
Dark purple

Braces Colors that Make Your Teeth Look Whiter
Technically speaking, it’s not the braces themselves that offer a wide range of colors; it’s the bands that hold the archwire onto the brackets. The darker the band color, the greater the contrast with your teeth, providing the illusion that your teeth are whiter. Black bands provide the greatest contrast with your teeth, but they may not blend as well with the brackets.

On the flip side, truly white bands may make your teeth appear dingier than they really are, simply because they are next to something so white.

The most popular color for braces bands is silver, likely because the color provides a good balance of blending with the metal brackets and providing decent contrast with a patient’s teeth. If you want whiter looking teeth, the best thing you can do is brush them regularly and avoid drinks that may stain them (coffee, tea, dark sodas, etc.)

How to Choose your Braces Color
Honestly, it’s up to you to decide which color to pick, based on what your orthodontist has available at the time. What’s your motivation for choosing colored bands? Are you trying to:
Make a fashion statement?
Show school spirit?
Support your favorite sports team?
Display your favorite color every time you smile?
Celebrate a particular holiday?
Be as inconspicuous as possible?
Have whiter looking teeth (as discussed in the previous section)?
If you want to follow trends, silver is the most requested color, followed by black and royal blue. If you want to express yourself uniquely, choose a bolder color. If you can’t decide, ask the orthodontist if they will alternate two colors every other bracket. Again, if you don’t like it, you can have the color changed at your next appointment. It’s not permanent.

What the Color of your Braces Says About Your Personality
Just for kicks, mentally choose your band color before you read this list. See if it’s at all accurate. It doesn’t represent every color option.
Clear: meticulously clean; doesn’t like to be the center of attention
Black: enjoys death metal; or vain and wants whiter-looking teeth
Pink: supports breast cancer awareness; wants to match an outfit; dreams of being a princess
Silver: traditionalist; rule follower
Orange: big fan of Halloween; hates rhyming
Gold: bold; glamourous; plans to sign a record deal or stroll the red carpet
Green: environmentalist; enjoys green vegetables
Teal: appreciates retro trends; loves the serenity of nature
Brown: thinks outside the box; wants to match said box
White: wants to glow under a blacklight; never makes a mess
Yellow: sunshiny optimist; uses lots of emojis
Red: loves all holidays; loves love; has an affinity for vampires
Burgundy: nobody can tell you what to do; arts-minded
Blue: individualist who doesn’t want to stand out too much
The color/personality list was just for fun, to make you smile with an ever-straightening smile. If it happens to provide you with an explanation to share with your friends, even better.

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